Free intro call

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Frequently asked questions

Do you have examples of past case studies?

Sure! Although most of our past projects are under NDA, we put a selection on the showcase page. Do not hesitate to drop us a message if you like to know more.

May I get a fixed price tag?

During the introduction call, we may also elaborate on the purpose of the product and the goals you aim to achieve within your budget constraints.
We then suggest a rough project plan with allocated times for UI, UX, Frontend, Backend, and Infrastructure tasks. We also highlight topics that are vital for the project success and topics to tackle at a later stage.
That way, we can plan and operate on a fixed price tag, while being fully transparent on the spent efforts.

Are the intro calls for free?

Yes, for sure. We always let you know upfront if charges apply, but as a rule of thumb, intro calls and meetings take up to 2 hours of conversation time and are always free of charge.

Do you offer on-site services ?

Although we're a “remote first” company, we love to meet our project partners in person and exchange ideas on-site. Generally speaking, we meet our partners during the first days of the project to then schedule online and optionally also on-site sessions.

How do I communicate with the team?

During the initial stage of the project, we setup dedicated tools and environments that are solely for the project's scope (Atlassian, AWS, Slack). We then stick to these channels to guarantee a transparent and efficient communication.

Do you also offer services on an hourly basis?

Yes, no matter if consulting or development, we genuinely only invoice the actual hours spent and charge the very same hourly rates to all of our customers.